33rd Henk Hagedoorn Memorial Solving Championship 2024

Date : Saturday October 19th, 2024

Venue: Het Pleywerk, Vlamoven 22-24, 6826 TN Arnhem, the Netherlands.

System: Two rounds.

For the A-group in each round 6 problems; A-group first round: 1 twomover, 1 threemover, 1 moremover, 1 study, 1 helpmate, 1 selfmate; A-group second round: 1 twomover, 1 threemover, 1 helpselfmate (instead of a moremover), 1 study, 1 helpmate, 1 selfmate.

For the B-group in each round also 6 problems; B-group first round: 3 twomovers, 1 threemover, 1 study and a helpmate in two moves; B-group second round: 2 twomovers, 1 threemover, 1 moremover, 1 study and 1 selfmate in two moves.

Solving time for each round: 90 minutes. A break of 15 minutes between the rounds.

First round: 10.30 – 12.00 hours, second round: 12.15 – 13.45 hours.

Director: Luc Palmans

This tournament is NOT part of the WorldCup cycle.

Price giving: later that day at about 15.30 hours.

No entry fee.

We would appreciate if one announces his participation so we can have an indication how much tables and chairs will be needed.

If one wants to have more information or would take part in this event (s)he can send an email  to Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.


Johan de Boer
WFCC delegate The Netherlands